Sabtu, 19 Maret 2011

read only for me

~I really want to face the first~I face a lot of acne
okay, maybe now I again puberty, again many many pimples. but not so well, I'm loads of acne today. different from the same friend I was a spotty friend. really sad to see the face I like this.
up until I changed doctors, the beauty doctor KAWI JAYA, beauty doctor ERHA, until the last Rs.Eka Hospital.
hmm doctors say I grew out of hormonal acne.
hormone excess, when I was little body -_-''
I originally did not want medicine physician, tp excessiveacne I've really!

when the hell, I'm clean-rich face first (?) really want oh god :'(
mom said "its key only two PRAY and PATIENT"

I felt, when I was gathering together friends to me. just me bad, I hate to my self I'm less self believe. he heard too much, just because acne became less confident. but this isme. acne that make me life so boring .

I plead to you GOD "i'm wish a speedy recovery, I want myold face, which is far from acne" :""(

Rabu, 16 Maret 2011

#np KATY PERRY - Peacock

I wanna see your peacock, cock, cock
Your peacock, cock
Your peacock, cock, cock
Your peacock
I wanna see your peacock, cock, cock
Your peacock, cock
Your peacock, cock, cock
Your peacock

Word on the street, you got something to show me, me
Magical, colourful, Mr. Mystery-y
I’m intrigued, for a peek, heard it’s fascinating
(Come on baby let me see whatchu hiding underneath)

Words up your sleeve, such a tease
Wanna see the show-oh
In 3D, a movie, heard it’s beautiful-ul
Be the judge and my girls gonna take a vote
(Come on baby let me see, whatchu’ hiding underneath)

I want the jaw droppin, eye poppin, head turnin, body shockin
(Uh, ay, oh, oh, uh, uh, ay, ay, oh, oh)
I want my heart throbbin, ground shakin, show stoppin, amazing
(Uh, ay, oh, oh, uh, uh, ay, ay, oh, oh)
Come on baby let me see whatchu’ hidin’ underneath

Are you brave enough to let me see your peacock?
Don’t be a chicken boy, stop acting like a bi-otch
I’ma peace out if you don’t give me the pay off
Come on baby let me see what you’re hiding underneath

Are you brave enough to let me see your peacock?
Whatchu’ waiting for, it’s time for you to show it off
Don’t be a shy kinda guy I’ll bet it’s beautiful
Come on baby let me see what you’re hiding underneath

I wanna see your peacock, cock, cock
Your peacock, cock
Your peacock, cock, cock
Your peacock
I wanna see your peacock, cock, cock
Your peacock, cock
Your peacock, cock, cock
Your peacock

(I wanna see your)

Skip the talk, heard it all, time to walk the walk
Break me off, if you’re bad, show me who’s the boss
Need some goose, to get loose, come on take a shot
(Come on baby let me see what you’re hiding underneath)

I want the jaw droppin, eye poppin, head turnin, body shockin
(Uh, ay, oh, oh, uh, uh, ay, ay, oh, oh)
I want my heart throbbin, ground shakin, show stoppin, amazing
(Uh, ay, oh, oh, uh, uh, ay, ay, oh, oh)

Are you brave enough to let me see your peacock?
Don’t be a chicken boy, stop acting like a bi-otch
I’ma peace out if you don’t give me the pay off
Come on baby let me see what you’re hiding underneath

Are you brave enough to let me see your peacock?
Whatchu’ waiting for, it’s time for you to show it off
Don’t be a shy kinda guy I’ll bet it’s beautiful
Come on baby let me see what you’re hiding underneath

I wanna see your peacock, cock, cock
Your peacock, cock
Your peacock, cock, cock
Your peacock, cock

Oh my god no exaggeration
Boy, all this time was worth the waiting
I just shed a tear, I am so unprepared
You’ve got the finest architecture
End of the rainbow looking treasure
Such a sight to see and it’s all for me

Are you brave enough to let me see your peacock?
Don’t be a chicken boy, stop acting like a bi-otch
I’ma peace out if you don’t give me the pay off
Come on baby let me see what you’re hiding underneath

Are you brave enough to let me see your peacock?
Whatchu’ waiting for, it’s time for you to show it off
Don’t be a shy kinda guy I’ll bet it’s beautiful
Come on baby let me see what you’re hiding underneath

I wanna see your peacock, cock, cock
Your peacock (I wanna see your)
Your peacock, cock, cock
Your peacock (I wanna see your) your peacock, cock, cock
Your peacock, (I wanna see your)
Come on baby let me see whatchu’ hidin’ underneath

Selasa, 15 Maret 2011

fad tonight >> @azimozi

-hahaha upload foto kamu, bikin aku ketawa sendiri dari td

**udah tengah malem gue gak bisa tidur, hmm online twitt bosen, online facebook sepi banget, mau makan, udah kenyang, nonton tv gak ada film yang seru, mau ngobrol gak ada temen ngobrolnya, udah pada tidur,mau tidur, gak bisaaaa -______- yaudah deh, otak atik blog gue aja deh :D
Tonight i want story about ---------->>> LOOK DOWN guys !

oiya ini adalah.......... siapa yaaa? siapaaa yang tau (?)
lelaki ini bernama AZINAWA AL ARIEF \^.^/
cowo umur 15 tahun ini lahir pada tanggal 7 juni 1995 . hobinya main sepeda (pasti!!!), bikin orang ketawa, bikin orang jengkeeeelin and lain lain.

dia adalah cowo yang bikin gue jatuh kedebuuukkk -awwwwsakit
intinya gue ngerasa nyaman ada disamping dia (•˘ะท˘•) dan dia juga bikin gue ih WOW sama dia , soalnya dia berani banget ngomong ke nyokap gue lewat telfon kalo gue udah pacaran sama dia HAHA konyol but i like it boy . dan akhirnya gue dibolehin pacaran (y)

#faktanya setiap gue ketemu dia bawaannya ketawa terus. mungkin muka dia mengandung zat zat pelawak . bukan gue doang. temen temen gue juga ketawa kalo liat dia . ada apa nya ya (?) lo pasti tau yang udah pernah liat dia HAHAHA.

---walaupun kadang gue sama dia marahan terus, tapi kita tetap saling menyayangi satu sama lain bruahahahahaha

>>>>>>>>>>>I believe you, you love me. will not hurt me :)

Sabtu, 12 Maret 2011


hmm udah lama banget gue gak nulis nulis di blog -.-
lagian juga blog gue gak penting semua isinya ha ha, biasa labil .
mungkin sekarang gue lagi bosen bangeeeet, jd dari pada gak ngapa ngapain, lebih baik gue nulis nulis aja deh.okeeey

gue pingin story tentang amicos !

"amicos? apa sih amicos? ha? GENG ? "
lo tuh semua SALAH, asal kalian semua tau, waktu itu gue pergi ke suatu mall, dan gue foto foto. dan gue upload ke facebook, dan gue bikin albumnya yang gue beri nama AMICO's yang artinya SAHABAT dari bahasa SPANYOL. gk ada niat sedikit pun buat ngeGENG(!)
gue main sama siapa aja, siapa pun yang baik sama gue.
kita emang selalu bersama, karna kita tuh sahabatan. tp itu tandanya bukan ngeGENG dong. lo juga pasti pada punya temen deket kan? yg kemana mana bareeeeng terus?
gue bingun apa kata orang yang benci banget sama gue dan teman teman gue?
jangan suka melebih lebihkan KEADAAN dong? apa yg gk pernah kita lakuin. tp di ada adain HAHAHA bitch!
gak suka gaya kita? hmm oke . tp liat gaya lo kaya apa dulu ?
manusia tuh gak luput dari rasa salah, sombong dll deh termasuk gue ko. manusia tuh gak sempurna .

tp yaudahlaaah namanya juga hidup, gk mungkin lurus terus, pasti ada belok beloknya :')
dan yang paling penting gue gak suka dibilang amico's itu geng! amicos itu artinya SAHABAT you know??? and gue temenan sama siapa aja yang gak nyakitin diri gue !


AMICO's itu sahabat ?
"di saat suka dan duka selalu bersama"
saling melindungi, saling menyayangi satu sama lain haha
gue seneng banget punya sahabat kaya kalian. hmm walaupun gue gak tau kalian seneng gak punya sahabat kaya gue? haha melas amat jeng .
dari awal masuk sekolah waskito gue ketemu kalian semua .
kita main bareng, curhat bareng, makan makan bareng, cabut bareng haha, ngeGalau bareng ckck dll deh .

-ada orang yang baik sama gue, gue pun akan lebih baik sama orang tersebut. begitupun sebaliknya, ada orang yang jahat sama gue, gue pun bisa lebih jahat.mendadak iblis!

banyak banget yang gue alamin sama temen temen gue ;
~yang namanya dilabrak lah , sampe gue pingsan LOH haha
~ada yang abis putus nangis kejer, pasti kita hibur semampu kita haha
~ada yang lagi galau sama orang tuanya, terus kita ajak main bareng
~ada yang comblang comblangan hahaha
~curhat bareng
~salah satu dari kita berantem. dan pasti kita akurin lagi. udah kaya anjing sama kucing haha
~ulang tahun bersama haha
~bukber bersama
~karokean bersama
~BOKE bersama wkwk
~cuci piring bersama (pdhal cuman shella sama hanna doang haha, sampe dapur gue banjirrrrr)
~ngebelain satu sama lain
banyak deh banyak :')

-tapi gak tau kenapa, makin kesini makin aneh aja . sahabatan tapi gak pernah terbuka, sekalinya terbuka dapet masalah. oke fine kita bantuin . ya jelas kita bantuin . kita anggep lo sahabat. tp disaat kita bantuin lo. lo malah kaya gitu ~!@#@##$%^&)-* susah deh jelasinnya. dan lo pasti ngerti ko.
yang pasti kaget banget sumpah.

-gak suka banget sama sahabat yg suka SIRIK yg suka GK PEDULI kl sahabat lainnya lg terpuruk, kl lg SUSAH doang dateng and TWOFACE.

~gue jalanin aja deh, mungkin yang namanya sahabat itu ada tapi yang namanya sahabat pake rasa TULUS tuh LANGKA haha bener mau kiamat kali ya . yaudahlah, keep smile jeng :D